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Buses of Britain is a website for bus enthusiasts in the UK. UKFleetlists is an online database of fleetlists of UK operators, that you can update yourselves.

Meet the team

Contact Buses of Britain

Buses of Britain is managed by a small team of people. You can contact us by phone or email.

Email: [email protected]
Email (UK Fleetlists): [email protected]
Telephone: 0121 798 0416 option 7 then 1


All user accounts for profiles on this website contain no private information. We do not take any email addresses or payment details, for example. All payments are handled externally. To facilitate account recovery, users should keep their Recovery Code and Username somewhere safe, as without this information we cannot reset any user passwords.

© 2017-2024 JADWeb/Buses of Britain
0121 798 0416 opt 7 then 1 / [email protected]