Cookie Policy


We use cookies to provide our services. Some of these cookies are used to provide user access whilst others may be used for advertising. By using our website, you agree to us placing cookies on your device (PC or Mobile Device) to allow us to provide our service.

User Functionality

In order for us to detect whether a user has logged on, a cookie is placed on the user device when they logon or register. This cookie is cleared when they logout, and is then place on the device when the user logs in again. This allows us to give the user access to services that they are authorised to access.


We use third party providers to allow for personalised advertising on our website. Please see provider’s cookie policies for more information.

Further Info

For further information, please contact the data controller: [email protected].

DATE: 06/11/2020

Copyright © James Deakin t/a JADWeb Solutions and/or Buses of Britain